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Problems & Solutions

  • Sunshine cannot be your front page

    In order to have effective theme integration with WordPress, Sunshine Photo Cart makes use of WordPress' endpoint rewrite API. What this does is take the URL of your Client Galleries page (example: and then adds on the information about which gallery you are on (example: So what Sunshine is actually doing is loading […]

  • Watermark images are not updating

    If you change the watermark after you have uploaded images, all the previously uploaded images will not be automatically updated. However, you can update them very easily by regenerating the images.

  • Thumbnails Not Cropping

    Sunshine has an option that allows you to crop image thumbnails to a set size. This helps all the thumbnails have the same size. However, if you are noticing that your thumbnails are not cropped, please note that when enabled this feature does not affect already uploaded images. So if you uploaded images to galleries, then […]

  • I can't see any thumbnails!

    One of the most common errors Sunshine users seem to be having is thumbnail images not appearing in their galleries. This article explains how to prevent this in 9 out of 10 cases.