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We want Sunshine Photo Cart to be the most intuitive photo cart available anywhere. We are continually working to make it's functionality easier for everyone who uses it. With 1.4.3, we have made some small, but very good steps to improve the usability of Sunshine.

Creating new Price Levels based on existing prices

In previous versions of Sunshine, if you setup all your products and pricing and then a while later wanted to add a new Price Level it was a pain. You first created your new Price Level and then had to edit each product individually in order to enter the prices for your new Price Level.


Not any more. You can now create a new Price Level with pricing that is X% of any existing Price Level already setup. For example, you already have your pricing for all your products in the "Default" Price Level. You want to make a new Price Level with prices 30% higher than "Default" prices. Simply add a new Price Level, select "Default" as the base, and enter "130" for the percentage. Sunshine creates the new Price Level and updates the pricing for every single product in your store automatically to the proper values for this new Price Level.

Add to Cart is slightly simplified


You can organize products into categories with Sunshine which are presented to the client when viewing the gallery. In previous versions of Sunshine, we would show all the categories regardless of which products are available in them. Sometimes products can be unavailable if marked as a digital download but no download folder for the gallery has been created or if using a Price Level which has no price entered for the product. Instead of saying "No products for this category", we now completely hide the category and only show what really is available. This should result in less confusion for clients.

Ordering Products

Sunshine by default displays the products within a category based on the order in which they were created which is not always what we want. Now, you can set the specific order of products as they appear in the Add to Cart form for clients.

Edit Product Page


Or, Quick Edit from the Products List



When setting order values for your products, we recommend initially setting them in increments of 10. That way, should you want to put a new product between two products set at say 30 and 40, you could enter 35. Otherwise you would have to edit every single product after the new one and increment the count by 1.

Derek Ashauer
Derek Ashauer, developer of the Sunshine Photo Cart WordPress plugin, has dedicated over 10 years to developing and supporting this effective tool for photographers. His expertise in the WordPress platform extends beyond this plugin with over 15 years of experience in building client sites. Derek's work centers on enhancing the functionality and profitability of client galleries for photographers, showcasing his commitment to supporting their business growth.
Sunshine Photo Cart for WordPress