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If it wasn't for our work on 2.0 (and already calling it 2.0), this release would get a bigger version number. We have added some new features and enhanced other areas resulting in significant theme integration improvements.

Masonry Galleries


A very popular request was to make galleries display using the Masonry style (think Pinterest). Now, with a single option in the settings, you can have your gallery thumbnails displayed in this style. This is available only to Sunshine Pro users.

Printable Invoice / Packing Slip

invoiceWithin the admin, every order now has a printable invoice or packing slip (whatever you want to use it for). The layout is formatted especially for printing and should work very well with most home printers. This is available to all Sunshine users.

Sales Tax Report


This new feature is not huge in all honesty, but with tax season here it seemed work adding. A very simple breakdown of all the sales taxes you have collected from sales through Sunshine. This is available only to Sunshine Pro users.

Better Theme Integration

Sunshine has taken a new approach to how it structures URLs and determines what content to display. Previously, Sunshine used custom post type permalinks but then tried to use the page template assigned to the main Client Galleries page. However, far too many themes ignored the built in page template system and made up their own which Sunshine was not able to handle. While Sunshine still worked, it resulted in some inconsistencies between how pages were displayed when going from the main Client Galleries page, to a gallery and then to an image.

Now, Sunshine makes use of rewrite endpoints. Instead of using the custom post type permalinks, we add endpoint rules to your main Client Galleries page. This results in every Sunshine page acting as if it is loading the Client Galleries page. Then, we display different content based on what is in the endpoint URL. This is the same approach WooCommerce 2.1 recently converted to using.

If that was all way over your head, just know that the end result is a significantly better integration with more themes.

Here is the full changelog breakdown:

= 1.9.5 =
* Add - Masonry option for thumbnail display!
* Add - Show discounts applied in admin order detail page
* Add - Reports page, extremely basic sales tax report to start
* Add - Add noindex meta tag to order pages to help clean up past security issue of order URLs being indexed
* Add - Invoice / Packing slip available for all orders
* Change - Use rewrite masks for handling Sunshine URLs, should now support any theme better even if not built to WP standards
* Change - Text when showing the required registration form to checkout or add to favorites
* Change - Always show Add to Favorites link, send user to register if they are not logged in
* Fix - Various PHP warning fixes
* Fix - Fix tax calculation when discount is greater than taxable amount
* Fix - Further fixes to handle some servers and their case sensitivity issues with image file names
* Fix - Currency symbol in admin for products to use settings, not always show $
* Fix - Media Gallery was still displaying images from Private galleries

Derek Ashauer
Derek Ashauer, developer of the Sunshine Photo Cart WordPress plugin, has dedicated over 10 years to developing and supporting this effective tool for photographers. His expertise in the WordPress platform extends beyond this plugin with over 15 years of experience in building client sites. Derek's work centers on enhancing the functionality and profitability of client galleries for photographers, showcasing his commitment to supporting their business growth.
Sunshine Photo Cart for WordPress