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Custom sort galleries on main page

Using the "sunshine_get_galleries_args" filter, you can customize the sort order of galleries on just the main Client Galleries page while leaving the default sorting for all sub-galleries to your settings.

add_filter( 'sunshine_get_galleries_args', 'custom_sunshine_change_gallery_order' );
function custom_sunshine_change_gallery_order( $args ) {
	$main_page_id = SPC()->get_page( 'home' );
	if ( ! empty( $main_page_id ) && is_page( $main_page_id ) ) {
		$args['order']   = 'DESC'; // Change this to whichever you need: ASC or DESC.
		$args['orderby'] = 'title'; // Change what is used to alter the sort: title, menu_order, date.
	return $args;

Learn how to add this custom code to your WordPress website

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