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Sunshine 2.2.3 has been released with some bug fixes. Below is the full changelog list:

* Fix - When viewing gallery on front end, make admin bar "edit" link go to gallery instead of Client Galleries page
* Fix - Image processor typos
* Fix - Issue applying discounts to logged in users
* Fix - Missing a CSS class on the gallery list <ul> element for Sunshine themes
* Update - Refined user capability access
* Update - If Local Pickup is only shipping method, don't show shipping fields
* Update - If Local Pickup is selected, hide shipping fields (even though they are above, might help reduce some confusion)
* Update - If gallery requires email and logged in as admin, don't ask for email - not necessary!
* Update - Made Image Processor ajax queued so it will not import the next image until the previous one is done. This helps slow servers from getting overwhelmed and causing errors.
* Update - Remove automatically switching to "Uploaded to this page" when trying to set a featured image. Easy enough to do manually and causes issues when you don't want it from the current page.

Derek Ashauer
Derek Ashauer, developer of the Sunshine Photo Cart WordPress plugin, has dedicated over 10 years to developing and supporting this effective tool for photographers. His expertise in the WordPress platform extends beyond this plugin with over 15 years of experience in building client sites. Derek's work centers on enhancing the functionality and profitability of client galleries for photographers, showcasing his commitment to supporting their business growth.