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I have just released Sunshine 2.3.5 which mostly addressed bug fixes (see below). Typically these x.x.x point releases are bug fixes only, but a few new things snuck in because they were quite simple to get added.

Option to watermark thumbnail images

This feature request directly from the first Sunshine Hangout. In reviewing what it would take to make this happen, I found it would require about 10 lines of code so went ahead and added it into this release.

Translations for ALL of Sunshine

This is part of my plan to focus on our growing international users for a bit. Previously only the core Sunshine plugin was available for translation. I have been able to merge the translations for the core Sunshine and all the add-ons into a single file. This means translating everything about Sunshine is now possible and much easier to manage and why it took so long to make this happen. Head on over to our translation site to help Sunshine be fully translated for your language - many of them only need a little more work to be 100% complete.

Oh, and all the translations which users have submitted are now incorporated.

Full changelog:

* Add - Option to add watermark to thumbnail images
* Add - Add "register here" text link to be more clear when a user wants to mark an image as favorite but not yet logged in
* Fix - Issues using "Billing as Shipping" and error checking
* Fix - Sharing images/galleries had wrong URLs
* Fix - Taxable shipping costs not being added
* Fix - Credits properly applied to PayPal payments
* Fix - Yoast SEO was overriding Sunshine's own title tags with wrong data for individual galleries and images, not anymore
* Fix - When using comma as decimal separator, issues with PayPal for payments
* Update - All translations have been updated. All add-on strings are now included in the core Sunshine translation .pot file so ALL of Sunshine can now be fully translated.

Derek Ashauer
Derek Ashauer, developer of the Sunshine Photo Cart WordPress plugin, has dedicated over 10 years to developing and supporting this effective tool for photographers. His expertise in the WordPress platform extends beyond this plugin with over 15 years of experience in building client sites. Derek's work centers on enhancing the functionality and profitability of client galleries for photographers, showcasing his commitment to supporting their business growth.