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“Responsive” is the web’s hottest term right now. To make a website responsive means that it can adapt to any window size and still look good. This also means that the site will adapt to various devices such as tablets and mobile phones. Lately the most common question we have been getting is “Is your photo cart plugin responsive?” So we thought the best way to answer that question was with a video demo. Enjoy!


(This video is with the upcoming Sunshine Photo Cart 1.2 which should be released within the next week with yet another new add-on!)


Derek Ashauer
Derek Ashauer, developer of the Sunshine Photo Cart WordPress plugin, has dedicated over 10 years to developing and supporting this effective tool for photographers. His expertise in the WordPress platform extends beyond this plugin with over 15 years of experience in building client sites. Derek's work centers on enhancing the functionality and profitability of client galleries for photographers, showcasing his commitment to supporting their business growth.