Sunshine Themes: Unique Layouts for Your Galleries
Sunshine Photo Cart is already great because it blends perfectly with any WordPress theme or page builder. But what if you want to make your galleries look more distinct from the rest of your website? With Sunshine Themes, you can! We offer two unique themes that you can pick from to make your galleries stand out. Whether you want to keep it simple or jazz it up, these themes offer just the right touch of uniqueness to showcase your work.
Choosing a Sunshine Theme
While integrating into your site’s theme is the default setup, Sunshine does offer two of it’s own two themes which can be used for Sunshine pages and galleries: Classic and Cover.
To use one of these themes, go to Galleries > Design and from the drop down you can select which theme to use for your client photo galleries.
Note: Sunshine themes are not for your entire website, only for pages and galleries related to Sunshine Photo Cart.
Classic Theme
The Classic theme for Sunshine Photo Cart is a simple, straightforward two column layout with a narrow navigation column on the left and the page or gallery content on the right.
Once selected as the theme, additional customization options will appear that allow you to choose colors for various elements throughout.
Cover Theme
The Cover theme is a more modern gallery layout which showcases a large featured image with the gallery name at the forefront, and gallery images or page content below. The image for the main “cover” image is the selected featured image for the gallery or the first image if no featured image is specifically selected.
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