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Page Specific Shortcodes

During installation, Sunshine will create several pages and insert the following respective shortcodes where necessary. The shortcodes must be placed on the corresponding page assigned in Galleries > Pages & URLs.


Shows Sunshine's list of galleries with links to each gallery.


Shows Sunshine's account area for editing profile, seeing order history, addresses, and logout link.


Displays Sunshine's cart.


Displays Sunshine's checkout process.


Displays the customer's favorites.

Template Shortcodes


Show Sunshine's menu which includes the link to Galleries, Favorites, Cart, Checkout, Login/Logout, Account, Store.

[sunshine_search gallery="ID"]

A search box that searches Sunshine galleries. If inserted into the content/description of a single gallery, it will search only that one gallery.

"gallery" attribute is optional, should be ID of the gallery you want to keep the search restricted to.


This shortcode will prompt users for a password. If they enter the password to an active gallery, they will be automatically redirected to the gallery and allowed access. A great way to use password protected galleries without showing the list of all your galleries.


[sunshine_gallery id="ID" show_main_menu="true/false"]

Displays a single gallery on any page based on it's ID.

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If you have not yet found your answer in the documentation articles, please contact support

Sunshine Photo Cart for WordPress