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Change order of delivery methods for checkout

There are 2 different delivery methods by default in Sunshine Photo Cart: Shipping and Pickup. Pickup is shown only when enabled as a possible delivery option in your admin settings.

The default order is Shipping and then Pickup during the checkout process.

You can change the order to make Pickup first using the following custom code:

add_filter( 'sunshine_delivery_methods', 'sunshine_reorder_delivery_methods', 999 );
function sunshine_reorder_delivery_methods( $delivery_methods ) {
    if ( isset( $delivery_methods['pickup'] ) ) {
        $pickup = array( 'pickup' => $delivery_methods['pickup'] );
        unset( $delivery_methods['pickup'] );
        $delivery_methods = $pickup + $delivery_methods;
    return $delivery_methods;

Learn how to add this custom code to your WordPress website

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Sunshine Photo Cart for WordPress