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Not seeing automatic updates for add-ons in my WordPress admin

Whenever a new update for a Sunshine add-on is released, anyone with an active license will see the update available automatically in their WordPress admin area just like any other plugins on your site. If you know there is an update available and you are not seeing it available as an automatic update, try the following:

  • Wait. Sunshine checks for automatic updates once every few hours so as not to overwhelm our own server or slow down your admin with constant checks. So if an update release just came out, wait a bit and try again later.
  • Check you have a license key entered. Every add-on requires a license key be entered at Sunshine > Settings > Licenses for each active add-on. You can find your license keys in your Account area. Pro users, if you use the Add-on Manager activating an add-on will automatically get your license key and set it for you.
  • Check that your license is active. A license key is good for one year after purchase before it needs to be renewed. You can check the status of your license keys in your Account area.

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